ROUNDTABLE: Queer Migration, Art and Activism

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Art has been used as a tool for queer migrants to negotiate their identities, resist oppression, and confront stereotypes. Activism has been a crucial aspect of queer migration studies, challenging heteronormative assumptions and advocating for the rights of queer migrants. This roundtable will bring together perspectives from art and academia to examine the ways in which art and activism have been used as tools to resist oppression and advocate for the rights of queer migrants.

This recording is from the conference titled "Navigating the Changing Times of Gender, Sexuality, and Migration in Europe,” organized in June 2023 in Berlin with the collaboration of the Humboldt University of Berlin and Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Speakers: Ahmed BaBa, Carlos D. Kong, Ceren Saner, Rüzgâr Buşki

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