Queer migration, right-wing politics, and queer diaspora

Show notes

Political homophobia and anti-feminism have been gaining ground, increasingly shaping policy, and rhetoric across the globe. In Europe, anti-migrant politics often utilize genderjustice and sexual rights discourse to frame migrants and refugees as threats to “European” values and norms. The panel will explore both the dynamics of right-wing politics and the robust national and transnational responses initiated by grassroots movements, civil society organizations, activists, social workers, teachers, and academics. By bringing together perspectives from the Middle Eastern and Sub-Saharan African diaspora, the panel will discuss the emerging possibilities for transnational solidarity and queer feminist life.

This recording is from the conference titled "Navigating the Changing Times of Gender, Sexuality, and Migration in Europe,” organized in June 2023 in Berlin with the collaboration of the Humboldt University of Berlin and Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Panelists: Awadalla, Firoozeh Farvardin, Jamel Buhari, Razan Ghazzawi Moderation: Aissata Drieling, Gökçe Yurdakul

More informations on: https://migsoc.de/

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